Skating on Thin Ice is Dangerous


Winter hasn’t ended yet. This year has brought multiple snowfalls, some heavy, some wet, some icy and some pleasantly light and fluffy. Wind velocity increased the risk of falling trees and property damage. Still….being safe at home with the luxury of time to shovel leisurely and enjoy the sunshine reflecting off the new snow is a treat. I love the sparkle of the frozen surface and the sense of accomplishment when the driveway is clear. One of my favorite winter activities is crashing my foot down on fragile ice patches. The sound and sense of raw power make me giggle like a little kid. I sometimes feel guilty when I crush the ice at someone else’s house. Maybe they like to do it too, and I have used theirs up. When I take walks with my friends in the winter they now know what I’m doing if I fall behind. I miss pieces of conversation because I get distracted by a particularly inviting edge. In life though, be careful! Ice can be dangerous. Venture out when you are certain that it is safe and make sure someone knows where you are going. The BUDDY SYSTEM works for lots of life situations. We shouldn’t outgrow it.